Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Privacy Engineers and Privacy Lawyers

Probably on the of the best articles I've seen on the apparent dichotomy between privacy lawyers and the engineers who must build the systems:

Engineers and Lawyers in Privacy Protection: Can We All Just Get Along?
By Peter Swire,and Annie Antón January 13, 2014

Actually I'd add a 3rd group called privacy advocates who tend to side with the lawyers and believe that the engineers are there to do their bidding.

But let's take a specific example as mentioned in the text, that of data minimisation. Actually it turns out that [software] engineers rarely gather too much - it really isn't in our nature to overcomplicate the already complicated process of building information systems. Indeed one of the ways to upset engineers is to repeatedly tell them not to collect data they aren't collecting in the first place. Each new data point usually involves additional validation, verification, tests and obviously more code. More code => more bugs => more test => more time => more expense etc...

But we also see other problems such as the emergence of the privacy cabal - a group of predominantly lawyers and advocates who do not understand the discipline and complexities  of engineering. Again the article above quite well explains this. Indeed Jim Adler in his PII2012 talk called this the Privacy-Industrial Complex: a mechanism for churning our policies, guidelines, edicts on the topic of privacy but without any basis in engineering reality. The engineers role is reduced to a mere bystander, a group of people to be handed orders from the cabal and privacy priesthood on high.

When things go wrong, it is invariably the engineers' fault, while the priests of privacy claim that their policies conform to best practice and take solice in the Privacy by Design Commandments. Take Target for example, their POS system collected only necessary data - credit card numbers  - was this an example of applying Fair Information Policy Principles? Is collecting and processing credit card numbers necessary for processing credit card numbers? Do our privacy principles accurately capture subtle requirements such as caching data in memory, types of encryption algorithm required, the human-computer interface etc Aside: OK, Target failed in many respects and the results of that investigation are to be seen.

Requirements such as don't collect PII ... is an IP address PII? How do I stop collecting this when the very protocols of the internet require such addresses just as the postal system relies upon physical addresses.
The position of the emerging privacy engineer will become one of the most important positions in the field of privacy. A group of people who understand the fundamentals of information systems from their engineering to their mathematical foundataions is critically required. Ignore these foundations and privacy becomes an hand-waving, powerpoint generating inconvenience to be humored and tolerated rather than an integral part of the business ecosystem.

When lawyers and engineers work together AS EQUALS we get some truly AMAZING work done. It happens rarely and it takes a lot of work from both sides just to build a common framework of understanding. Engineers have the ability to properly deconstruct and understand the finer workings of privacy compliance - ignore this as privacy will remain as we described above: a tolerated inconvenience.

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