Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Fountain pens

Good to see a move back to real writing with real instrument of writing. There really is nothing better than putting pen to paper, and a real ink pen at that.

Why are fountain pen sales rising?
22 May 2012 Last updated at 17:08 GMT
By Steven Brocklehurst

You might expect that email and the ballpoint pen had killed the fountain pen. But sales are rising, so is the fountain pen a curious example of an old-fashioned object surviving the winds of change?


But for others, a fat Montblanc or a silver-plated Parker is a treasured item. Prominently displayed, they are associated with long, sinuous lines of cursive script.

Sales figures are on the up. Parker, which has manufactured fountain pens since 1888, claims a worldwide "resurgence" in the past five years, and rival Lamy says turnover increased by more than 5% in 2011.


Used a fountain pen exclusively in my engineering notebook for years - nothing better focuses the mind as the permanence of ink in such a volume.

1 comment:

Mr Marhaen said...

I love fountain pen too. So far, I have three. My handwriting actually improve after picking them up. Thanks to my friend who urge me to try them on. Before, I just think fountain pen is not practical with all the bottled ink and stuff, but, I was wrong.