Friday, 20 April 2012

A month in space

The Guardian runs a series (actually various series) on science topics, the series "A Month in Space" this month has a set of simply stunning pictures. Alas I can't link to the pictures, but I can link to the article:

A month in space: A Martian dust devil, Milky Way bubbles and a star trek navigational aid – in pictures

This month's roundup of some of the best space-related images includes a dust devil and its shadow on the surface of Mars, some of the cosmic bubbles spotted by 35,000 citizen scientists, and a new navigational technique for starships exploring the final frontier
Eric Hilaire and James Kingsland  Friday 20 April 2012 19.04 BST

As for other series, there's an excellent one working through the Periodic Table of the Elements...this month, that most well known of elements: Praseodymium.

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